User stories or use cases?

Alistair Cockburn says “A user story is to a use case as a gazelle is to a gazebo“.

If you are extremely familiar with both techniques then this makes sense.  If you are not familiar with both then suffice it to say that you can put a gazelle in a gazebo but not vice versa.

A user story is of the form As a <type of user>, I want <some goal> so that <some reason> (see here).  

A use case for withdraw money has many more components to it, and a skeleton of such a use case can be found here.  I develop this skeleton use case in a four part tutorial:

  • Part 1: Use case as a dialog
  • Part 2: What is an actor?
  • Part 3: Adding interface details
  • Part 4: Adding application context

The above user story is only a part of the entire use case.  For an ATM, a user story might be As a user, I want to withdraw money so that I can have physical cash.  This user story is only the summary of the withdraw money use case without the details.

User stories come from the Extreme Programming methodology where the assumption was that there will be a high degree of interaction between the developers and the end customer and that QA will largely be done through test driven development.  It is important to realize that Extreme Programming does not scale.

Once your development team gets large, i.e. you have 3+ agile teams and your code base gets large enough to warrant a formal testing environment, then you will outgrow user stories as your only method of capturing requirements.  You can still use user stories for new modules
developed with an end customer to take advantage of the light weight and rapid nature of user stories, but at some point those user stories should transition to use cases.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few ways to build use cases and not all of them are effective.  Alistair Cockburn’s method (found here) is an excellent way to capture use cases for more sophisticated systems.  There is no doubt that a full use cases is heavier weight than a user story, but consider this:

  • Use cases can more easily be turned into test cases by QA
  • With use cases you more easily prove that you have all the requirements
  • Use cases annotated with screens and reports can be used to collaborate with remote off site customers
  • Well written use cases can easily be broken up into a sprint back log
  • Use cases will work if you are not using Agile development methods

So don’t forgo the speed and dynamic nature of user stories, just recognize that there are limits to user stories and that you will need to transition to use cases when your project team or application grows.

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Ready, Fire, Aim: Why correct requirements are rarely gathered

missed_target-300x204Connecting with your customers and delivering value depends on understanding your customer’s requirements and selling the correct product or solution that solves your customer’s problems.

Commonly, the requirements gathering process is done hastily or not at all in the rush to get the sale. After all, the faster you can make the sales process go, the faster the money is in the bank — correct?

tailoringThe more that product customization or creation is required, the more it is important understand the customer’s actual problem.  The more time required to build and implement a solution means will not only lead to a failed sale but also to a more disappointed customer and a loss of future revenue.

If you build software, which has long lead times, it is even more important to make sure that what you are building will satisfy the customer’s requirements as changing the final software solution will be nearly impossible and very costly.

Why do we continually misunderstand and sell the wrong solutions and building the wrong software?

Human Nature

Time pressures to make a sale put us under pressure and this stress leads to making quick decisions about whether a product or solution can be sold to a customer.  We listen to the customer but interpret everything he says according to the products and solutions that we have.

Often the customer will use words that seem to match exactly the products we have.  But then after the sale once we have to implement we often find that either we deliver a poor solution to the customer or a solution is infeasible and we must refund the customers money.

However, behind every word that the customer is using there is an implied usage, and understanding that implied usage is where we fail to gather requirements.

For example, suppose the customer says I need a car. Suppose that you sell used cars:

  • the customer asked for a car
  • you sell cars

Ergo problem solved!

  • What if the customer needs an SUV but you don’t have any?
  • What if the customer really needs a truck?
  • What if the customer needs a car with many modifications?
  • What if the car the customer needs has never been built?

We hear the word car and we think that we know what the customer means.  The order-taker sales person will spring into action and sell what he thinks the customer needs. Behind the word car is an implied usage and unless you can ferret out the meaning that the customer has in mind, you are unlikely to sell the correct solution.

If you don’t understand how the customer will to use your solution then you don’t understand the problem.

Comedy of Errors

For products that require customization, the sale will get transferred to professional services that will dig deeper into the customer’s requirements.  At this point you discover that the needs of the customer cannot be met.  This leads to sales people putting pressure on professional services and product management to ‘find a solution’, after all, losing the sale is not an option.

Sometimes heroic actions by the product management, professional services, and software development teams lead to a successful implementation, but usually not until there has been severe pain at the customer and midnight oil burned in your company.  You can eventually be successful but that customer will never buy from you again.


As WIlliam Ralph Inge said, There are no rewards or punishments — only consequences.

The consequence of selling the wrong solution to a customer is:

  • Whether you lose the sale or not, the customer loses faith in you
  • The sales person is perceived as incompetent in the rest of the organization especially by professional services and software devleopment
  • Your cost of sales and implementation is much higher than expected
  • Your reputation is damaged


Selling the correct solution to the customer requires that you understand the customer’s problem before you sell the solution.

When customization is required, good sales people engage resources that can capture the customer’s requirements accurately and assess that you can deliver a solution to the customer.

Slowing down to understand the customer requirements and how you will solve his problems is the key.  By understanding the customer’s requirements and producing the correct solutions you become a trusted adviser to the customer.


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Project failed? You get what you deserve!

3 of 10 software projects fail, 3 succeed, and 4 are ‘challenged’1.  When projects fail because you cut corners and exceed your capabilities then — you get what you deserve.  You don’t deserve pity when you do it to yourself.

We estimate that between $3 trillion and $6 trillion dollars are wasted every year in IT.  Most of this is wasted by organizations that are unskilled and unaware that they are ignorant.

Warning this article is long!

However, there are organizations that succeed regularly because they understand development, implement best practices, and avoid worst practices (see Understanding Your Chances).

In fact, McKinsey and Company in 2012 stated:

A study of 5,400 large scale IT projects  finds that the well known problems with IT Project Management are persisting. Among the key findings quoted from the report:

    • 17 percent of large IT projects go so badly that they can threaten the very existence of the company
    • On average, large IT projects run 45 percent over budget and 7 percent over time, while delivering 56 percent less value than predicted

law-unintended-consequencesProjects fail consistently because organizations choose bad practices and avoid best practices and wonder why success is elusive (see Stop It! No… really stop it. to understand the common worst 5 practices)

What is amazing is that failures do not prompt the incompetent to learn why they failed.

RinseAndRepeatEven worse, after the post-fail finger pointing ceremony, people just dust themselves off and rinse and repeat.

The reality is that we have 60 years of experience in building software systems.  Pioneers like Watts Humprey, M.. E. Fagan, Capers Jones, Tom DeMarco, Ed Yourdon, and institutions like the Software Engineering Institute (SEI)  have demonstrated that software complexity can be tamed and that projects can be successful2.

The worst developers are not even aware that there is clear evidence about what works or what doesn’t in software projects.  Of course, let’s not let the evidence get in the way of their opinions.

IngredientsIngredients of a Successful Project

Successful software projects generally have all the following characteristics:

  • Proper business case justification and good capital budgeting
  • Very good core requirements for primary functionality
  • Effective sizing techniques used before executing the project
  • Appropriate project management to the size of the project and to the philosophy of the organization
  • Properly trained personnel
  • Focus on pre-test defect removal

MissingPiecesEvery missing characteristic reduces your chance of success by an order of magnitude.  If you know that one or more of these characteristics are missing then you get what you deserve!

Missing some of these elements doesn’t guarantee failure, but it severely decreases your chance at success.

Let’s go through these elements in order.

This article is very long, so this is a good place to bail if you don’t have time.

Proper Business Case

IfYouBuildItThis is the step that many failed projects skip over, the hard work behind determining if a project is viable or not.

Organizations take the Field of Dreams approach, i.e. “If you build it, they will come...” and skip this step due to ignorance, often resulting from executives who do not understand software (see No Business Case == Project Failure). These are executives that do not have experience with software projects and assume that their force of personality can will software projects to success.

Some organizations claim to build business cases, but these documents are worthless.  I even know of public companies that write the business case AFTER the project has started, simply to satisfy Sarbanes-Oxley requirements.

A proper business case attempts to quantify the requirements and technical uncertainty of a software project.  It does due diligence into what problem is being solved and who it is solving the problem for.  It at least verifies with a little effort that the cash flows resulting from the project will be NPV positive.

Business cases are generally difficult to write because they involve getting partial information.  This can be very difficult if your analysts are substandard (see When BA means B∪ll$#!t Artist).

Very Good Core Requirements

Skeleton Once a project has a proper business case then you need to capture the skeleton of the core requirements.  This is a phase where you determine the primary actors of the system and work out major use case names.

Why expand requirements before starting the project?

Executives have a business to run and need to know when software will be available.  If you don’t know how big your project is then you can’t create an effective project plan.  You don’t want to capture all the requirements so core requirements (i.e. a good skeleton) helps you to size the project without having to get the detailed requirements.

This is why executives like the waterfall methodology. On the surface, this methodology seems to have a predictable timeline — which is what they need to synchronize other parts of the business.  The problem is that the waterfall methodology DOES NOT WORK (see last page).

The only way for managers to get a viable estimate of a software project is to expand the business case into requirements that allow you to determine the project’s size before you start it.

Calculate House SizeThis process is just like determining the cost for a house by the square footage and the quality, i.e. 2500 sq. ft at normal quality (~$200 per sq. ft.) would be approximately $500K, even without detailed blueprints.  Very accurate estimates can be derived by sizing a project using function points.

Effective Estimation

RulersNow that you have core requirements, you can determine the size of the project and get an approximate cost.  You are fooling yourself if you think that you can size large projects without formal estimates (see Who needs formal measurement?)

Just like you can determine the approximate cost of a house if you know the square footage and the quality, you can estimate a software project pretty accurately if you know how many function points (i.e. square footage) and quality requirements of the project3.

There is so much literature available on how to effectively size projects, so do yourself a favor and look it up.  N.B. There are quite a few reliable tools for an accurate estimate of software projects, i.e. COCOMO II, SLIM, SEER-SEM.  See also Namcook Analytics,

If you don’t size a project then your project plan predicts nothing

Of course, you could always try a management declared deadline which is guaranteed to fail (see Why Senior Management Declared Deadlines lead to Disaster)

Appropriate Project Management

AgileManifestoYou must select a project methodology appropriate to the organization.  Many developers are trying to push their organizations towards Agile software development, although many developers are actually quite clueless about what Agile development is.

Agile software development needs buy-in from the top of the organization.  Agile software development will probably do very little for you if you are not doing business cases and gathering core requirements before a project.

Discover how developers who claim that they are ‘Agile’ have fooled themselves into thinking that they are doing Agile development. (see Does Agile hide Development Sins?)

Trained Personnel

IncompetenceManagement often confuses seniority with competence.  After all, if someone has been with the company for 10 years they must be competent, no?  The reality is that most people with 10 years of experience only have 1 year repeated 10 times.  They are no more skilled then someone with 1 year under their belt.

Learn why in general it may be useful to get rid of older developers that are not productive (see No Experience Required!).  Also when it comes to development, you are definitely better off with people that do not rush to write code (see Productive Developers are Smart and Lazy)

Focus on Pre-Test Defect Removal

I’ve written extensively on pre-test defect removal, see Are Debuggers Crutches? for more information.


It is likely that you know all these ingredients that make for a successful project, you’ve just assumed that even though all these characteristics are not present that you just can’t fail.

Quite often projects fail under the leadership of confident people who are incompetent and don’t even know that they are incompetent.  If you want to know why intelligent people often do unintelligent things see Are You are Surrounded by Idiots?  Unfortunately, You Might be the Idiot..

There probably are projects that fail out there because of circumstances out of their control (i.e. natural disasters, etc) but in most failed projects you get what you deserve!


Fallacy of the Waterfall Methodology

The waterfall methodology is widely attributed to Winston W. Royce.

The irony is that the paper he published actually concludes that:

In my experience, however, the simpler method (i.e. waterfall) has never worked on large software development and efforts and the costs to recover far exceeded those required to finance the five step process listed.

That is Mr. Royce said that the waterfall process would never work.  So much for the geniuses that only read the first 2 pages of the paper and then proceeded to create the “waterfall method” and cost organizations trillions of dollars in failed projects each year.

The waterfall methodology was pushed down our throats by ignorant managers that saw that the waterfall seemed to mimic factory processes.  Because this was the process they understood, they icorrectly assumed that this was the right way to develop software.

If any of these guys had bothered to read more than 2 pages from the Royce paper they would have realized that they were making a colossal blunder.

Back to article

1 Challenged means that the project goes significantly over time or budget. In my estimation, ‘challenged’ simply means politically declaring victory on a project that has really failed.

2 This applies to projects that are 10,000 function points or less. We still have problems with projects that are larger than this, but the vast majority of projects are under this threshold.

3 Quality requirements depend on how reliable the project must be. If the risk is that someone might die because of a software malfunction the quality, and therefore cost, must be much higher than if software failures only constitute an annoyance.

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When BA means B∪<<$#!t Artist

BA typically means Business Analyst, but what makes for a good BA?  When do you have a good BA and when don’t you? Many projects fail at the beginning due to incomplete, inconsistent, and overly verbose analysis produced by BAs.

Are your BAs any good?  The success of many projects depend on the ability of the BA do correctly identify the problem you are trying to solve.  If your BA is not competent then you are doomed before you start.

RubiksCubeBusiness analysis consists of all facets of solving business problems. Business analysis is a role executed by project, product, and engineering managers.  However, there are people that do business analysis as their main role and we simply label them as business analysts or product managers. We shall stick to the term business analyst for simplicity.

Business analysts perform a range of tasks including:

  • Gathering requirements
  • Writing business cases and project charters
  • Performing gap analysis between products and corporate processes

Ever suspect that the people responsible for performing business analysis for you are not up for the challenge?  Here are three simple questions; good business analysts will get all three correct and not take longer than 20 seconds.

  Context Question
#1  MullerLyerLines Which of these two lines is longer?
#2  paris_spring_puzzle What does this sign say?
#3 I have two products whose prices add up to $1.10 and one product is $1 more than the other. How much is the more expensive product?

The answers are:

  1. The lines are the same length
    1. Take a ruler if you are not convinced
  2. Paris in the the spring
    1. Notice that the occurs twice
  3. The more expensive product is $1.05
    1. If the more expensive one had been $1 then the cheaper one would be $0.10 but then the expensive one would only be $0.90 more expensive than the cheaper one.

Jumping+to+conclusionsThese three questions illustrate that the mind can jump to conclusions that are often wrong.  The mind can be tricked because it assesses things quickly and only some people have the instinct to double check their results.

Most BAs are well educated; however, the interesting thing is that studies show that educated people are less able to see their biases and they jump to conclusions more readily than other people.1

A good business analyst realizes that during analysis there will be situations where the mind will jump to conclusions.  Many business analysts are asked to resolve conflicting requirements, recognize missing requirements, and deal with biases coming from many different sources.  Unless you have the reflex of checking facts for consistency and eliminating bias then you won’t make a good business analyst.

So what is the quality of your BAs?

Other articles


West, Richard F. and Meserve, Russel J. Cognitive Sophistication does not Attenuate the Bias Blind Spot. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

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