Do Project Managers need Domain Experience?

Opinions vary on whether a project manager needs to have domain experience.  Certainly project managers that do not have domain experience will be the first to say that domain experience is not necessary as long as they have access to excellent subject matter experts.

I would advocate a more nuanced position; that is, a project manager does not need domain experience IF his subject matter experts understand the risks and dependencies that are inherent to the domain.

Let’s go through a couple of personal projects that I have been involved with where the project manager did not have domain experience.

Telco Project

I am currently involved in a project that involves a LAN/WAN/WIFI upgrade of a large customer for a large telecommunications company.  The project manager does not have domain expertise in networks and is counting on the subject matter experts to provide him sufficient input to execute the project.

The subject matter experts are so advanced in their knowledge of networks that they no longer understand what beginners (i.e. the project manager) do not know.  They have assumed that when they indicate things to the project manager that he understands what they mean and will take appropriate actions.

The project manager is continually running into situations where he did not understand the implications of certain risks and dependencies.  This has caused a certain amount of rework and delays.

Fortunately, this is not a project with tremendous amounts of risk or dependencies so the project will be late but will succeed.

Mobile Handset Project

In the distant past ,I was part of a team that was building a mobile POS terminal that worked over cellular (GSM, CDMA).  The project manager in this situation did not have domain experience and was counting on the subject matter experts.  In this case, the subject matter experts were very good at general design, but not experts in building cellular devices.

Because the subject matter experts were not specialists, they knew most of the key principles of designing mobile handsets but did not understand all the nuances of handset design.  There were several key issues required by practical handset manufacturing that were overlooked by the generalists and ended up creating such a strong cost over-run that the start-up went out of business.


In the first project, the subject matter experts were extremely good, however, the project manager failed to understand the implication of some of their statements and this introduced large delays in the project.

In the second project, the subject matter experts were generalists and did not understand all the risks and dependencies of the project.  The project manager (and start-up) were doomed to fail because “you don’t know what you don’t know”.

Both these projects show that a project can be delayed or fail because a project manager does not have domain experience.


So if a project does not have many uncertainties and dependencies then it is extremely likely that the project manager does not require domain experience and can rely to some degree on his subject matter experts.

However, if the project has complex uncertainties and/or dependencies then a good project manager without domain experience is likely to find himself in a several positions where the consequences of not understanding the uncertainties and dependencies will either introduce serious rework or torpedo the project.

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No Business Case = Failed Project

A business case comes between a bright idea for a software project and the creation o that project. Project Timeline, Business Case

  • To – idea to have a project is born
  • Tcheck – formal or informal business case
  • Tstart – project is initiated
  • Tend – project finishes successfully or is abandoned

Not all ideas for software projects make sense.  In the yellow zone above, between idea and project being initiated, some due diligence on the project idea should occur.  This is where you do the business case, even if only informally on the back of a napkin.

The business case is where you pause and and estimate  whether the project is worth it, i.e. will this project leave you better off than if you did not do it.

For those who want precise definitions the project should be NPV +ve.  In layman’s terms, the project should leave the organization better off on it’s bottom line or at least improve skill levels so that other projects are better off.

Projects that do not improve skills or the bottom line are a failure.

Out of 10 software projects (see Understanding your chances):

  • 3 are successful
  • 4 are challenged, i.e. over cost, over budget, or deliver much less functionality
  • 3 will fail, i.e. abandoned

This means that the base rate of success for any software project is only 3 out of 10.

Yet executives routinely execute projects assuming that they can not fail even though the project team knows that the project will be a failure from day 1.

Business cases give executives a chance to stop dubious projects before they start. (see Stupid is as Stupid Does)

Understanding how formal the business case needs to be comes down to uncertainty. There are three key uncertainties with every project:

  • Requirements uncertainty
  • Technical uncertainty
  • Skills uncertainty

When there is a moderate amount of uncertainty in any of these three areas then a formal business case with cash flows and risks needs to be prepared.

Requirements Uncertainty

Requirements uncertainty is what leads to scope shift (scope creep).  The probability of a project failing is proportional to the number of unknown requirements when the project starts (see Shift Happens).

Requirements uncertainty is only low for two particular projects: 1) re-engineering a project where the requirements do not change, and 2) the next minor version of a software project.

For all other software projects the requirements uncertainty is moderate and a formal business case should be prepared.

Projects new to you have high requirements uncertainty.

Technical Uncertainty

Technical uncertainty exists when it is not clear that all requirements can be implemented using the selected technologies at the level of performance required for the project.

Technical uncertainty is only low when you have a strong understanding of the requirements and the implementation technology. When there is only a moderate understanding of the requirements or the implementation technology then you will encounter the following problems:

  • Requirements that get clarified late in the project that the implementation technology will not support
  • Requirements that can not be implemented once you improve your understanding of the implementation technology

Therefore technical uncertainty is high when you are doing a project for the first time and requirement uncertainty is high.  Technical uncertainty is high when you are using new technologies, i.e. shifting from Java to .NET or changing GUI technology.

Projects with new technologies have moderate to high uncertainty.

Skills Uncertainty

Skills uncertainty comes from using resources that are unfamiliar with the requirements or the implementation technology.  Skills uncertainty is a knowledge problem.

Skills uncertainty is only low when the resources understand the current requirements and implementation technology.

Resources unfamiliar with the requirements will often implement requirements in a suboptimal way when requirements are not well written.  This will involve rework; the worse the requirements are understood the more rework will be necessary.

Resources unfamiliar with the implementation technology will make mistakes choosing implementation methods due to lack of familiarity with the philosophies of the implementation libraries.  Often after a project is complete, resources will understood that different implementation tactics should have been used.

Formal or Informal Business Cases?

An informal business case is possible only if the requirements, technical, and skills uncertainty is low.  This only happens in a few situations:

  • Replacing a system where the requirements will be the same and the implementation technology is well understood by the team
  • The next minor version of a software system

Every other project requires a formal business case that will quantify what kind of uncertainty and what degree of uncertainty exists in the project.  At a minimum project managers facing moderate to high uncertainty should be motivated to push for a business case (see Stupid is as Stupid Does). Here is a list of projects that tend to be accepted without any kind of real business case that quantifies the uncertainties:

  • Change of implementation technology
    • Moving to object-oriented technology if you don’t use it
    • Moving from .NET to Java or vice versa
  • Software projects by non-software companies
  • Using generalists to implement technical solutions
  • Replacing systems with resources unfamiliar with the requirements
    • Often happens with outsourcing

Projects with moderate to high risks and no business case are doomed to fail.

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Efficiency is for Losers

Focusing on efficiency and ignoring effectiveness is the root cause of most software project failures.

Effectiveness is producing the intended or expected result. Efficiency is the ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort.

Effective software projects deliver code that the end users need; efficient projects deliver that code with a minimum number of resources and time.

Sometimes, we become so obsessed with things we can measure, i.e. project end date, kLOC, that we somehow forget what we were building in the first place.  When you’re up to your hips in alligators, it’s hard to remember you were there to drain the swamp.

Efficiency only matters if you are being effective.

After 50 years, the top three end-user complaints about software are:

  1. It took too long
  2. It cost too much
  3. It doesn’t do what we need
Salaries are the biggest cost of most software projects, hence if it takes too long then it will cost too much, so we can reduce the complaints to:

  1. It took too long
  2. It doesn’t do what we need

The first issue is a complaint about our efficiency and the second is a complaint about our effectiveness. Let’s make sure that we have common  definitions of these two issues before continuing to look at the interplay between efficiency and effectiveness.

Are We There Yet?

Are you late if you miss the project end date? 

That depends on your point of view; consider a well specified project (i.e. good requirements) with a good work breakdown structure that is estimated
by competent architects to take a competent team of 10 developers at least 15 months to build. Let’s consider 5 scenarios where this is true except as stated below:

Under which circumstances is a project late?

A. Senior management gives the team 6 months to build the software.
B. Senior management assigns a team of 5 competent developers instead of 10.
C. Senior management assigns a team of 10 untrained developers
D. You have the correct team, but, each developer needs to spend 20-35% of their time maintaining code on another legacy system
E. The project is staffed as expected

Here are the above scenarios in a table:

Months Given
10 competent developers
Unrealistic estimate
competent developers
Under staffed
10 untrained developers
Untrained staff
10 competent developers
Team under committed
10 competent developers

Only the last project (E) is late because the estimation of the end date was consistent with the project resources available.

Other well known variations which are not late when the end date is missed:

  • Project end date is a SWAG or management declared
  • Project has poor requirements
  • You tell the end-user 10 months when the estimate is 15 months.

If any of the conditions of project E are missing then you have a problem in estimation.  You may still be late, but not based on the project end date computed with bad assumptions

Of course, being late may be acceptable if you deliver a subset of the expected system.

It Doesn’t Work

“It doesn’t do what we need” is a failure to deliver what the end user needs. How so we figure out what the end user needs?

The requirements for a system come from a variety of sources:

  1. End-users
  2. Sales and marketing (includes competitors)
  3. Product management
  4. Engineering

These initial requirements will rarely be consistent with each other. In fact, each of these constituents will have a different impression of the requirements. You would expect the raw requirements to be contradictory in places. The beliefs are like the 4 circles to the left, and the intersection of their beliefs would be the black area.

The different sources of requirements do not agree because:

  • Everyone has a different point of view
  • Everyone has a different set of beliefs about what is being built
  • Everyone has a different capability of articulating their needs
  • Product managers have varying abilities to synthesize consistent requirements
It is the job of product management to synthesize the different viewpoints into a single set of consistent requirements. If engineering starts before
requirements are consistent then you will end up with many fire-fighting meetings and lose time.

Many projects start before the requirements are consistent enough. We hope the initial requirements are a subset of what is required.
In practice, we have missed requirements and included requirements that are not needed (see bottom of post, data from Capers Jones)

The yellow circle represents what we have captured, the black circle represents the real requirements.

We rarely have consistent requirements when we start a project, that is why there are different forms of the following cartoon lying around on the Internet.

If you don’t do all the following:

  • Interview all stakeholders for requirements
  • Get end-users to articulate their real needs by product management
  • Synthesize consistent requirements

Then you will fail to build the correct software.  So if you skip any of this work then you are guaranteed to get the response, “It doesn’t do what we need”.

Effectiveness vs. Efficiency

So, let’s repeat our user complaints:
  1. It took too long
  2. It doesn’t do what we need

It’s possible to deliver the correct software late.

It’s impossible to deliver on-time if the software doesn’t work

Focusing on effectiveness is more important than efficiency if a software project is to be delivered successfully.

Ineffectiveness Comes from Poor Requirements

Most organizations don’t test the validity or completeness of their requirements before starting a software project.
The requirements get translated into a project plan and then the project manager will attempt to execute the project plan. The project plan becomes the bible and everyone marches to it. As long as tasks are completed on time everyone assumes that you are effective, i.e. doing the right thing.

That is until virtually all the tasks are jammed at 95% complete and the project is nowhere near completion.

At some point someone will notice something and say, “I don’t think this feature should work this way”. This will provoke discussions between developers, QA, and product management on correct program behavior. This will spark a series of fire-fighting meetings to resolve the inconsistency, issue a defect, and fix the problem. All of the extra meetings will start causing tasks on the project plan to slip.

We discussed the root causes of fire-fighting in a  previous blog entry.

When fire-fighting starts productivity will grind to a halt. Developers will lose productivity because they will end up being pulled into the endless meetings. At this point the schedule starts slipping and we become focused on the project plan and deadline. Scope gets reduced to help make the project deadline; unfortunately, we tend to throw effectiveness out the window at this point.

With any luck the project and product manager can find a way to reduce scope enough to declare victory after missing the original deadline.

The interesting thing here is that the project failed before it started. The real cause of the failure would be the inconsistent requirements.But, in the chaos of fire-fighting and endless meetings, no one will remember that the requirements were the root cause of
the problem.

What is the cost of poor requirements? Fortunately, WWMCCS has an answer.  As a military organization they must tracks everything in a detailed fashion and perform root cause analysis for each defect (diagram).

This drawing shows what we know to be true.

The longer a requirement problem takes to discover, the harder and more expensive it is to fix!  A requirement that would take 1 hour to fix will take 900 hours to fix if it slips to system testing.


It is much more important to focus on effectiveness during a project than efficiency. When it becomes clear that you will not make the project end date, you need to stay focused on building the correct software.
Are you tired of the cycle of:
  • Collecting inconsistent requirements?
  • Building a project plan based on the inconsistent requirements?
  • Estimating projects and having senior management disbelieve it?
  • Focusing on the project end date and not on end user needs?
  • Fire-fighting over inconsistent requirements?
  • Losing developer productivity from endless meetings?
  • Not only miss the end date but also not deliver what the end-users need?

The fact that organizations go through this cycle over and over while expecting successful projects is insanity – real world Dilbert cartoons.

How many times are you going to rinse and repeat this process until you try something different? If you want to break this cycle, then you need to start collecting consistent requirements.

Think about the impact to your career of the following scenarios:

  1. You miss the deadline but build a subset of what the end-user needs
  2. You miss the deadline and don’t have what the end-user needs
You can at least declare some kind of victory in scenario 1 and your resume will not take a big hit. It’s pretty hard to make up for scenario 2 no matter how you slice it.
Alternatively, you can save yourself wasted time by making sure the requirements are consistent before you start development. Inconsistent requirements will lead to fire-fighting later in the project.
As a developer, when you are handed the requirements the team should make a point of looking for inconsistent requirements.
The entire team should go through the requirements and look for inconsistencies and force product management to fix them before you start developing.
It may sound like a waste of time but it will push the problem of poor requirements back into product management and save you from being in endless meetings. Cultivating patience on holding out for good requirements will lower your blood pressure and help you to sleep at night.
Of course, once you get good requirements then you should hold out for proper project estimates 🙂

Want to see other sacred cows get tipped?Check out:


Courtesy of Capers Jones via LinkedIn on 6/22

Customers themselves are often not sure of their requirements.

For a large system of about 10,000 function points, here is what might be seen for the requirements.

This is from a paper on requirements problems – send an email to if you want a copy.

Requirements specification pages = 2,500
Requirements words = 1,125,000
Requirements diagrams = 300
Specific user requirements = 7,407
Missing requirements = 1,050
Incorrect requirements = 875
Superfluous requirements = 375
Toxic harmful requirements = 18

Initial requirements completeness = < 60%

Total requirements creep = 2,687 function points

Deferred requirements to meet schedule = 1,522

Complete and accurate requirements are possible < 1000 function points. Above that errors and missing requirements are endemic.

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Uncertainty trumps Risk in Software Development

Successful software development involves understanding uncertainty, and uncertainty only comes from a few sources in a software project.  The uncertainties of a software project increase with the size of the project and the inexperience of the team with the domain and technologies.The focus on this article is on uncertainty and not on risk.  In part 1 we discussed uncertainty and in part 2 we discussed risk, so it should be clear that:

All risks are uncertain, however, not all uncertainties are risks.

For example, scope creep is not a risk (see Shift Happens) because it is certain to happen in any non-trivial project.  Since risk is uncertain, a risk related to scope creep might be that the scope shifts so much that the project is canceled.  However, this is a useless risk to track because by the time it has triggered it is much too late for anything proactive to be done.

It is important to understand the uncertainties behind any software development and then to extract the relevant risks to monitor.  The key uncertainties of a software project are around:

  • requirements
  • technology
  • resources
  • estimating the project deadline

Uncertainty in Requirements
There are several methodologies for capturing requirements:

  • Business requirements document (BRD) or software requirement specification (SRS)
  • Contract-style requirement lists
  • Use cases (tutorial)
  • User stories

Regardless of the methodology used, your initial requirements will split up into several categories:

The blue area above represents what the final requirements will be once your project is completed, i.e. the System To Build.  The initial requirements that you capture are in the yellow area called Initial Requirements.

With a perfect requirements process the Initial Requirements area would be the same as the System To Build area.  When they don’t overlap we get the following requirement categories:

  1.  Superfluous requirements
  2. Missing requirements

Superfluous initial requirements tends to happen in very large projects or projects where the initial requirements process is incomplete.  Due to scope shift the Missing requirements category always has something in it (see Shift Happens).  If either of these two categories contains a requirement that affects your core architecture negatively then you will increase your chance of failure by at least one order of magnitude.

For example, a superfluous requirement that causes the architecture to be too flexible will put the developers through a high learning curve and lead to slow development.

If scalability is a requirement of the architecture but it is missing during the initial architecture then you will discover that it is difficult and costly to add later.

The physical equivalent would be the apartment building here on the right.  The foundation was insufficient to the needs of the building and it is slowly collapsing on one side.  Imagine the cost of trying to fix the foundation now that the building is complete.

I’ve been in start-ups that did not plan for sufficient scalability in the initial architecture; subsequently, the necessary scalability was only added with serious development effort and a large cost in hardware. Believe me, throwing expensive hardware at a software problem late in the life cycle is not fun or a practical solution :-(.

The overlapping box, Inconsistent Requirements, is to categorize known and missing requirements that turn out to be in conflict with other requirements.  This can happen when requirements are gathered from multiple user roles all of whom have a different view of what the system will deliver.

It is much easier and faster to test your requirements and discover inconsistencies before you start developing the code rather than discover the inconsistencies in the middle of development.  When inconsistencies are discovered by developers and QA personnel then your project will descend into fire-fighting (see Root cause of ‘Fire-fighting’ in Software Projects).

The physical equivalent here is to have a balcony specified to one set of contractors but forget to notify another set that you need a sliding door (see right).  When the construction people stumble on the inconsistency you may have already started planning for one alternative only to discover that rework is necessary to get to the other requirement.

Note, if you consistently develop software releases and projects with less than 90% of your requirements documented before coding starts then you get what you deserve (N.B. I did not say before the project starts 🙂 ).   One of the biggest reasons that Agile software development stalls or fails is that the requirements in the backlog are not properly documented; if you Google “poor agile backlogs” you will get > 20M hits.

Requirements Risks
Some risks associated with requirements are:

  • Risk of a missing requirement that affects the core architecture
  • Risk that inconsistent requirements cause the critical path to slip

Uncertainty in Technology
Technical uncertainty comes  from correctly using technology but failing to accomplish the goals as outlined by your requirements; lack of knowledge and/or skills will be handled in the next section (Uncertainty Concerning Resources).  Team resources that don’t have experience with technology (poorly documented API, language, IDE, etc) does not constitute a technical risk it is a resource risk (i.e. lack of knowledge).

Technical uncertainty comes from only a few sources:

  • Defective APIs
  • Inability to develop algorithms

Unforeseen defects in APIs will impact one or more requirements and delay development.  If there is an alternative API with the same characteristics then there may be little or no delay in changing APIs, i.e. there are multiple choices for XML parsing in Java with the same API.

However, much of the time changing to another API will cause delays because the new API will be implemented differently than the defective one. There are also no guarantees that the new API will be bug free.

Mature organizations use production APIs, but even then this does not protect you against defects.  The best known example has to be the Pentium bug from Intel discovered in 1994.  Although the bug did not seem to cause any real damage, any time you have an intermittent problem the source might always be a subtle defect in one of the APIs that you are using.

Organizations that use non-production (alpha or beta) APIs for development run an extremely high risk of finding a defect in an API.  This generally only happens in poorly funded start-ups where the technical team might have excessive decisional control in the choice of technologies.

The other source of technical uncertainty is the teams inability to develop algorithms to accomplish the software goals.  These algorithms relate to the limitations of system resources such as CPU, memory, batteries, or bandwidth concern, i.e.:

  • Performance
  • Memory management
  • Power management
  • Volume of data concerns

Every technical uncertainty is associated with one or more requirements.  The inability to produce an algorithm to satisfy a requirement may have a work-around with acceptable behavior or might be infeasible.

If the infeasible requirements prevents a core goal from being accomplished then the project will get canceled.  If affected requirements have technical work-arounds then the project will be delayed while the work-around is being developed.

Technical Risks
Some risks associated with technology are:

  • Risk that a defective API will cause us to look for another API
  • Risk that we will be unable to find a feasible solution for a core project requirement

Uncertainty Concerning Resources
When using the same team to produce the next version of a software product there is little to no resource uncertainty.  Resource uncertainty exists if one of the following are present:

  • Any team member is unfamiliar with the technology you are using
  • Any member of the team is unfamiliar with the subject domain
  • You need to develop new algorithms to handle a technical issue (see previous section)
  • Any team member is not committed to the project because they maintain another system
  • Turnover robs you of a key individual

Resource uncertainty revolves around knowledge and skills, commonly this includes: 1) language, 2) APIs, 3) interactive development environments (IDEs), and 4) methodology (Agile, RUP, Spiral, etc).  If your team is less knowledgeable than required then you will underestimate some if not all tasks in the project plan.

When team members are unfamiliar with the subject domain then any misunderstandings that they have will cause delays in the project.  In particular, if the domain is new and the requirements are not well documented then you will probably end up with the wrong architecture, even if you have skilled architects.

The degree to which you end up with a bad architecture and a canceled project depends on how unfamiliar you are with the subject domain and technologies being used.  In addition, the size of your project will magnify all resource uncertainties above.

The majority of stand-alone applications are between 1,000 and 10,000 function points.  As you would expect, the amount of the system that any one person can understand drops significantly between 1,000 and 10,000 function points.  The number of canceled projects goes up as our understanding drops because all uncertainties increase and issues fall between the cracks.  N.B. The total % of the system understood by a single person drops precipitously between 1,000 and 10,000 function points.

When there are team members committed to maintaining legacy systems then their productivity will be uncertain.  Unless your legacy system behaves in a completely predictable fashion, those resources will be pulled away to solve problems on an unpredictable basis.  They will not be able to commit to the team and multi-tasking will lower their and the teams productivity (see Multi-tasking Leads to Lower Productivity).

Resource Risks
Some risks associated with resources are:

  • The team is unable to build an appropriate architecture foundation for the project
  • A key resource leaves the project before the core architecture is complete

Uncertainty in Estimation
When project end dates are estimated formally you will have 3 dates: 1) earliest finish, 2) expected finish, and 3) latest finish.  This makes sense because each task in the project plan can finish in a range of time, i.e. earliest finish to latest finish.  When a project only talks about a single date for the end date, it is almost always the earliest possible finish so there is a 99.9% chance that you will miss it.  Risk in estimation makes the most sense if:

  • Formal methods are used to estimate the project
  • Senior staff accepts the estimate

There are numerous cost estimating tools that can do a capable job.  Capers Jones lists those methods, but also comments about how many companies don’t use formal estimates and those that do don’t trust them:

Although cost estimating is difficult there are a number of commercial software cost estimating tools that do a capable job:  COCOMO II, KnowledgePlan, True Price, SEER, SLIM, SoftCost, CostXpert, and Software Risk
Master are examples.

However just because an accurate estimate can be produced using a commercial estimating tool that does not mean that clients or executives will accept it.  In fact from information presented during litigation, about half of the cases did not produce accurate estimates at all and did not use estimating tools.  Manual estimates tend towards optimism or predicting shorter schedules and lower costs than actually occur.   

Somewhat surprisingly, the other half of the case had accurate estimates, but they were rejected and replaced by forced estimates based on business needs rather than team abilities. 

Essentially, senior staff have a tendency to ignore formal estimates and declare the project end date.  When this happens the project is usually doomed to end in disaster (see Why Senior Management Declared Deadlines lead to Disaster).

So estimation is guaranteed to be uncertain.  Let’s combine the requirements categories from before with the categories of technical uncertainty to see where our uncertainty is coming from.  Knowing the different categories of requirements uncertainty gives us strategies to minimize or eliminate that uncertainty.
Starting with the Initial Requirements, we can see that there are two categories of uncertainty that can addressed before a project even starts:
  1. Superfluous initial requirements
  2. Inconsistent requirements

Both of these requirements will waste time if they get into the development process where they will cause a great deal of confusion inside the team.  At best these requirements will cause the team to waste time, at worst these requirements will deceive the team into building the architecture incorrectly.  A quality assurance process on your initial requirements can ensure that both of these categories are empty.

The next categories of uncertainty that can be addressed before the project starts is:

  1. Requirements with Technical Risk
  2. Requirements Technically Infeasible

Technical uncertainty is usually relatively straight forward to find when a project starts.  It will generally involve non-functional requirements such as scalability, availability, extendability, compatibility, portability, maintainability, reliability, etc, etc.  Other technical uncertainties will be concerned with:

  1. algorithms to deal with limited resources, i.e. memory, CPU, battery power
  2. volume of data concerns, i.e. large files or network bandwidth
  3. strong security models
  4. improving compression algorithms

Any use cases that are called frequently and any reports tie up your major tables are sources of technical uncertainty.  If there will be significant technical uncertainty in your project then you are better off to split these technical uncertainties into a smaller project that the architects will handle before starting the main project.  This way if there are too many technically infeasible issues then at least you can cancel the project.

However, the greatest source of uncertainty comes from the Missing Requirements section.  The larger the number of missing requirements the greater the risk that the project gets canceled.  If we look at the graph we presented above:

You can see that the chance of a project being canceled is highly correlated with the % of scope creep. Companies that routinely start projects with a fraction of the requirements identified are virtually guaranteed to have a canceled project.

In addition, even if you use formal methods for estimation, your project end date will not take into account the Missing Requirements.  If you have a significant number of missing requirements then your estimates will be way off.

Estimation Risks

The most talked about estimation risk is schedule risk.  Since most companies don’t use formal methods, and those that do are often ignored, it makes very little sense to talk of schedule risk.

When people say “schedule risk”, they are making a statement that the project will miss the deadline.  But given that improper estimation is used in most projects it is certain that the project will miss its deadline , the only useful question is “by how much?“.

Schedule risk can only exist when formal methods are used and there is an earliest finish/latest finish range for the project.  Schedule risk then applies to any task that takes longer than its latest finish and compromises the critical path of the project.  The project manager needs to try to crash current and future tasks to see if he can get the project back on track.  If you don’t use formal methods then this paragraph probably makes no sense 🙂


The main sources of uncertainty in software development comes from:

  • requirements
  • technology
  • resources
  • estimates

Successful software projects look for areas of uncertainty and minimize them before the project starts. Some uncertainties can be qualified as risks and should be managed aggressively by the project manager during the project.

Uncertainty in requirements, technology, and resources will cause delays in your project.  If you are using formal methods than you need to pay attention to delays caused by uncertainties not accounted for in your model.  If you don’t use formal methods then every time you hit a delay caused by an uncertainty, then that delay needs to be tacked on to the project end-date (of course, it won’t be 🙂 ).

If your project does not have strong architectural requirements and is not too big (i.e. < 1,000 function points) then you should be able to use Agile software development to set-up a process that grapples with uncertainty in an incremental fashion.  Smaller projects with strong architectural requirements should set up a traditional project to settle the technical uncertainties before launching into Agile development.

Projects that use more traditional methodologies need to add a quality assurance process to their requirements to ensure a level of completeness and consistency before starting development.  One way of doing this is to put requirements gathering into its own project.  Once you capture the requirements, if you establish that you have strong architectural concerns, then you can create a project to build out the technical architecture of the project.  Finally you would do the project itself.  By breaking projects into 2 or 3 stages this gives you the ability to cancel the project before too much effort is sunk into a project with too much uncertainty.

Regardless of your project methodology; being aware of the completeness of your requirements as well as the technical uncertainty of your non-functional requirements will help you reduce the chance of project cancellation by at least one order of magnitude.

It is much more important to understand uncertainty that it is to understand risk in software development.

Appendix: Traditional Software Risks
This list of software risks courtesy of Capers Jones.  Risks listed in descending order of importance.

  • Risk of missing toxic requirements that should be avoided
  • Risk of inadequate progress tracking
  • Risk of development tasks interfering with maintenance
  • Risk of maintenance tasks interfering with development
  • Risk that designs are not kept updated after release
  • Risk of unstable user requirements
  • Risk that requirements are not kept updated after release
  • Risk of clients forcing arbitrary schedules on team
  • Risk of omitting formal architecture for large systems
  • Risk of inadequate change control
  • Risk of executives forcing arbitrary schedules on team
  • Risk of not using a project office for large applications
  • Risk of missing requirements from legacy applications
  • Risk of slow application response times
  • Risk of inadequate maintenance tools and workbenches
  • Risk of application performance problems
  • Risk of poor support by open-source providers
  • Risk of reusing code without test cases or related materials
  • Risk of excessive feature “bloat”
  • Risk of inadequate development tools
  • Risk of poor help screens and poor user manuals
  • Risk of slow customer support
  • Risk of inadequate functionality
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Why Adding Personnel to a late Software Project delays it more

The blog entry on Root Causes of ‘Fire-Fighting’ explains how poor requirements and insufficient team synchronization mechanisms can lead to constant fire-fighting. When faced with constant fire-fighting your project starts spinning out of control and code development will slow to a crawl. At this time, management’s first instinct is to throw more developers at the problem.

While adding resources to a late project seems like a logical thing to do, it generally makes the problem worse, i.e. leads to more fire fighting and reduced productivity. While it seems counter-intuitive, actually throwing people off the project is more likely to make your project move faster.  Fred Brooks, author of The Mythical Man-Month calls this principle Brook’s law.

Different Types of Team Activity

Before addressing why adding resources slow down late projects,  let’s look at the different types of team activities and their inherent productivity characteristics. When teams of people perform tasks they fall into one of three different categories: 1) additive, 2) disjunctive, and 3) conjunctive.

In an additive activity, the productivity of the group is determined by adding up the productivity of each of the individuals comprising the team, i.e. team productivity = Σ (individual productivity) . One additive activity is tug-of-war where the productive output of your team is equal to the sum of the pulling force of all the members of your team. Another additive activity would be a team of people painting a house.

Managers throw additional people into late projects on the assumption that coding is an additive activity, it isn’t; we’ll cover why in a second.

In a disjunctive activity, the productivity of the group is determined by the strongest member of the team, i.e. team productivity = max(individual1, individual2, …, individualn). A disjunctive activity would be playing Trivial Pursuit in large teams, if team gets the answer right when any team member gets it right.  In software projects disjunctive activities occur when there is a very specific technical problem to solve. In the meeting, whoever solves the problem first will solve it for the entire team.

In a conjunctive activity, the productivity of the group is determined by the weakest member of the team, i.e. team productivity = min(individual1, individual2, …, individualn). Conjunctive activities are equivalent to the weakest link in a chain. Security is a conjunctive activity, you are only as secure as the weakest part of your security architecture. Quality is a conjunctive activity and this is why we say “quality is everyone’s job“. It only takes one poor quality component to reduce the quality of an entire product.

When an organization is unaware of critical conjunctive activities, they are likely to have all kinds of execution problems.

Understanding Requirements is a Conjunctive Activity

Software projects get into a fire fighting mode because there is a poor understanding of the requirements from a team perspective. Whether the requirements were well written or not, if those requirements are poorly understood by the team then you start playing 6 blind men and the elephant.

This is where you discover that everyone in your project has a different perspective on what the system is supposed to do and how it is supposed to do it. The fire-fighting mode is nothing more than a set of meetings to resolve differences and solve problems caused by divergent beliefs on the project.

Understanding the requirements is a conjunctive activity. Your productivity is only as good as the weakest understanding in the team. The developer on the team with the weakest understanding of the requirements is probably generating the most defects. If QA does not understand the requirements (if they exist) then they will be generating all kinds of false positives when they are unsure the software is behaving properly.

With this perspective, it is easy to see how adding people to a late project will cause it to be later. The additional developers and QA being added to the project will have the poorest understanding of the requirements of all the team members. This means that they will almost certainly generate more defects in development and cause even more false positives in QA. This will increase the amount of fire-fighting that you do and cause the project to slow down even more.

Solution: Throw People off the Ship

Walk the plank

So as counter-intuitive as it sounds, you need to throw people off the ship. Find the developers and QA personnel who don’t understand the requirements and remove them from the project. These are the guys creating much of the noise in the fire-fighting meetings.

Otherwise get these people together with the business analysts and educate them about what the software is supposed to do and how it is supposed to be done. If you are going to add personnel to the team then this becomes an ideal time to get them educated on the requirements BEFORE they start producing or testing code.

While they are not working directly on the project have them put together the centralized requirements repository suggested in the last blog.  If they become sufficiently familiar with the requirements then you can add them back to the software team.

Additional resource: The Mythical Man Month, by Fred Brooks

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Understanding your chances of having a successful software project

We have been building software systems for over 50 years, and yet success rates remain extremely low, see Dan Galorath for some information.  Different reports put the success rates at different levels but successful projects are rarely higher than 30-40%.

Report Year Successful Challenged Failure
Standish Chaos Reports 2009 32% 44% 24%
Saur & Cuthbertson 2003 16% 74% 10%
Tata Consultancy 2007 38% 62%

It might seem strange, but we don’t all have the same definition of success for software projects.  Success is when a project delivers the expected benefits within 10% of cost and schedule.  For me, a project is NOT successful when:

  • It does not deliver what was promised
  • It has cost or time over runs of over 10%
  • It has its scope dramatically reduced so that victory can be claimed
  • It does not have a positive net present value, i.e. it never breaks even

Under those conditions I’m guessing that there are even fewer successful projects out there.  Let’s make software success extremely concrete.  Imagine that you are on a street corner watching people cross the street to the other street corner.  Imagine that out of every 10 people trying to cross the street only 3 people cross successfully, the other 7 get maimed or killed.

How interested would you be in crossing the street?

Sun Tzu wrote:

War is of vital importance to the state; hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.

In our modern world, software is of vital importance to your organization.   If you can solve your business issues by building software consistently and reliably you will gain a tremendous advantage over your competition.

One misconception is that software projects fail because “I am surrounded by idiots!   Just because we get frustrated at being unable to get software built does not make this statement true.  In fact, the exact opposite is true, the average IQ of Computer System Analysts is 111.3[1], and any IQ above 110 is considered to be Superior Intelligence[2]. 

Don’t get me wrong; you might have a bunch of developers from the shallow end of the gene pool, but that does not explain how thousands of organizations fail to build quality software.  The point is that software does not fail because there are not enough smart people looking at the problem.

There are plenty of consultants, a.k.a. snake oil salesmen, that are willing to sell you “silver bullet” solutions that will solve your every problem.  Have you ever seen any of these really work?  Each of these solutions will generally solve one aspect of your problem and leave you with a larger one to fix later; they will also leave big holes in your budget. Unfortunately, we often succumb to “silver bullet” solutions because they tell us what we want to hear.

To really fix your software development problems requires better understanding of basic principles; after all, there are software projects that succeed out there.  Not surprisingly, the companies that have figured out how to develop software consistently and reliably tend to have the fewest failures.  Learning how to develop software consistently and reliably requires that you learn how the following 5 elements intersect and affect each other:

  1. Requirements
  2. Project Management
  3. Principles
  4. Developers
  5. Executives

Each of these elements will intersect with all of the others.  You will continually stumble through software development until you get the minimum level of execution and synchronicity between these 5 rings.

Organizations that do not understand these 5 rings will create organizational structures and processes that are doomed to fail.  Poor organizational structure and processes will create systemic problems that will lead to the following problems:

  • Constant fire fighting (blog)
  • Inflexible software (blog)
  • Poor architecture (blog)

Problems from poor organizational structure and processes will lead to failed software projects because of the SYSTEM, not the PEOPLE.  However, people always assume that someone is to blame; they rarely look for problems inside the system.  This will lead to severe morale problems and the loss of competent personnel.

 Fixing your software development is a matter of understanding the principles of good organizational and process design.  Once you understand how to balance the 5 elements you will begin to experience success in building software.

 Appendix: Modern IQ Ranges for Various Occupations

According to modern IQ ranges, computer system analysts have one of the highest intelligence quotients of all professions.

[1] Average IQ by occupation (estimated from wordsum scores), January 22, 2011.  Available from

[2] What Different IQ Scores Mean, April 12, 2004.   Available from

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