No Business Case = Failed Project

A business case comes between a bright idea for a software project and the creation o that project. Project Timeline, Business Case

  • To – idea to have a project is born
  • Tcheck – formal or informal business case
  • Tstart – project is initiated
  • Tend – project finishes successfully or is abandoned

Not all ideas for software projects make sense.  In the yellow zone above, between idea and project being initiated, some due diligence on the project idea should occur.  This is where you do the business case, even if only informally on the back of a napkin.

The business case is where you pause and and estimate  whether the project is worth it, i.e. will this project leave you better off than if you did not do it.

For those who want precise definitions the project should be NPV +ve.  In layman’s terms, the project should leave the organization better off on it’s bottom line or at least improve skill levels so that other projects are better off.

Projects that do not improve skills or the bottom line are a failure.

Out of 10 software projects (see Understanding your chances):

  • 3 are successful
  • 4 are challenged, i.e. over cost, over budget, or deliver much less functionality
  • 3 will fail, i.e. abandoned

This means that the base rate of success for any software project is only 3 out of 10.

Yet executives routinely execute projects assuming that they can not fail even though the project team knows that the project will be a failure from day 1.

Business cases give executives a chance to stop dubious projects before they start. (see Stupid is as Stupid Does)

Understanding how formal the business case needs to be comes down to uncertainty. There are three key uncertainties with every project:

  • Requirements uncertainty
  • Technical uncertainty
  • Skills uncertainty

When there is a moderate amount of uncertainty in any of these three areas then a formal business case with cash flows and risks needs to be prepared.

Requirements Uncertainty

Requirements uncertainty is what leads to scope shift (scope creep).  The probability of a project failing is proportional to the number of unknown requirements when the project starts (see Shift Happens).

Requirements uncertainty is only low for two particular projects: 1) re-engineering a project where the requirements do not change, and 2) the next minor version of a software project.

For all other software projects the requirements uncertainty is moderate and a formal business case should be prepared.

Projects new to you have high requirements uncertainty.

Technical Uncertainty

Technical uncertainty exists when it is not clear that all requirements can be implemented using the selected technologies at the level of performance required for the project.

Technical uncertainty is only low when you have a strong understanding of the requirements and the implementation technology. When there is only a moderate understanding of the requirements or the implementation technology then you will encounter the following problems:

  • Requirements that get clarified late in the project that the implementation technology will not support
  • Requirements that can not be implemented once you improve your understanding of the implementation technology

Therefore technical uncertainty is high when you are doing a project for the first time and requirement uncertainty is high.  Technical uncertainty is high when you are using new technologies, i.e. shifting from Java to .NET or changing GUI technology.

Projects with new technologies have moderate to high uncertainty.

Skills Uncertainty

Skills uncertainty comes from using resources that are unfamiliar with the requirements or the implementation technology.  Skills uncertainty is a knowledge problem.

Skills uncertainty is only low when the resources understand the current requirements and implementation technology.

Resources unfamiliar with the requirements will often implement requirements in a suboptimal way when requirements are not well written.  This will involve rework; the worse the requirements are understood the more rework will be necessary.

Resources unfamiliar with the implementation technology will make mistakes choosing implementation methods due to lack of familiarity with the philosophies of the implementation libraries.  Often after a project is complete, resources will understood that different implementation tactics should have been used.

Formal or Informal Business Cases?

An informal business case is possible only if the requirements, technical, and skills uncertainty is low.  This only happens in a few situations:

  • Replacing a system where the requirements will be the same and the implementation technology is well understood by the team
  • The next minor version of a software system

Every other project requires a formal business case that will quantify what kind of uncertainty and what degree of uncertainty exists in the project.  At a minimum project managers facing moderate to high uncertainty should be motivated to push for a business case (see Stupid is as Stupid Does). Here is a list of projects that tend to be accepted without any kind of real business case that quantifies the uncertainties:

  • Change of implementation technology
    • Moving to object-oriented technology if you don’t use it
    • Moving from .NET to Java or vice versa
  • Software projects by non-software companies
  • Using generalists to implement technical solutions
  • Replacing systems with resources unfamiliar with the requirements
    • Often happens with outsourcing

Projects with moderate to high risks and no business case are doomed to fail.

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SR&ED and Eligibility

Most Canadian corporations know that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) gives out tax credits for Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) work done by technical companies. This tax credit works out to 35% of the qualifying work and can be as high as 68% when overhead is factored in.

The Scientific Research part of the name makes some organizations assume that unless you are curing cancer, building rockets, or building a better mouse-trap that they must be engaged in rocket science to qualify for the tax credit — nothing could be further from the truth.

For organizations involved in software development the key to claiming SR&ED is the Experimental Development part of the title.  Assuming that you have a project which has technical uncertainty then you will qualify for the tax credit.

So what qualifies as technical uncertainty?

Technical uncertainty occurs when you face a business problem that is well specified with skilled resources and it is unclear how to proceed.  Examples of technical uncertainty would be needing to:

  • double the number of transactions that you currently process
  • increase the efficiency of an compression algorithm
  • implement a security model that does not exist

Experimental development occurs when you hit a fork in the proverbial development road and it is unclear which direction to take.  

Sometimes you will know that there are multiple design alternatives and have to create prototypes for the different alternatives to determine the best solution. Sometimes you will choose a design alternative and have to abandon the choice and back-up and take another path.  In both cases there is a clear decision point where code needs to be tested for multiple alternatives.

There is actually an easy way to know if you are facing technical uncertainty and facilitate applying for SR&ED tax credits.  Most developers do not like reinventing the wheel; when faced with a requirement that is technically challenging most developers will Google it to see if there is a solution to the problem.  If your developers are regularly looking for technical solutions odds are that you have SR&ED eligible work.

Saving technical searches is the easiest way to figure out how much SR&ED eligible work you have.

If you search for a technical solution to a challenge and discover:

  1. There is a solution for the problem but it is proprietary
  2. There is an available solution that would cost too much to acquire

Then this work will be SR&ED eligible if it leads to experimental development.  The CRA does not require that you be the first to solve a technical problem, only that you search for public solutions before executing experimental development.

What isn’t technical uncertainty?

There are a few issues which can masquerade as technical uncertainty and the CRA will not pay SR&ED credits for them:

  • Training
  • Poor requirements

If a COBOL programmer starts to develop software in Java then you will end up with quite a bit of experimental development as the programmer learns the new language.  However, the CRA will not pay for you to train developers.   Experimental development only occurs when developers who are familiar with the technologies that you are using (language, O/S, IDE, API) and then engage in experimental development.

To be explicit, the following would not qualify:

  • Language, Java developers needing to do C#
  • O/S, Developers familiar with Windows development developing on Android tablets
  • IDE, Developers familiar with Eclipse needing to use Sun’s NetBeans
  • API, Developers familiar with one SQL database switching to the API of another SQL database

Only competent developers that hit technical uncertainty and face experimental development qualify for SR&ED.

The CRA will not pay for you to figure out what your requirements are.  While you are working out your “business rules” you may look like you are resolving a technical challenge as you attempt multiple alternative paths.  However, creating code to solve a business problem does not qualify for SR&ED.

Changing requirements because of a technical challenge does qualify

How do I know if I did Experimental Development?

The CRA gives you up to 18 months from a fiscal year end to claim your tax credits.  The problem is that if you wait this long none of your developers will remember what they did!

If your year end was March 31, 2011 then as of today (August 27, 2012) you can still claim your tax credits from 2011.  The problem is that your developers will have trouble remembering what they did from March 31, 2010 to March 31, 2011.

Frankly speaking, you would be lucky to have your developers recall what they did last month. When looking back over time, there are two kinds of development that easily qualify for SR&ED:

  1. Work abandoned for a technical reason
  2. Building multiple prototypes to solve a technical problem

If you were trying to accomplish something, let’s say implementing a fine grain security model in a database and were forced to abandon the work for a technical reason then this will qualify for SR&ED.  If you abandoned the work because you no longer had the requirement, i.e. a business reason, then the work would not qualify for SR&ED.

If you ran up against a technical challenge and there were multiple design alternatives that lead to multiple prototypes being tried, then the work qualifies for SR&ED.  Even if the multiple design alternatives involved 3rd party software, as long as there were multiple prototypes and you had to write code then this work should qualify.

Document your technical challenges right away!

How do I Simplify the SR&ED Process?

The easiest way to simplify the SR&ED process is to track experimental development as it happens.  Once your developers solve a problem and use that solution for a few months then they will forget how difficult it was to solve the problem.

There are several techniques to help in the documentation of your SR&ED claim for the next year:

  1. Save your technical searches
  2. Tag your tasks in your project management system
  3. Train project managers to recognize SR&ED tasks
When the developers search for technical solutions and find none have them save the search (PDF, web page, etc).   If you work on several projects simultaneously then create a directory under each project where the developer will save the search.  In your project management system then have the developer document this information.

In your project management system (JIRA, Redmine, etc) have a tag for SR&ED so that tasks can be tagged for SR&ED.  As the developer or project manager discovers SR&ED tasks you can tag these tasks so that computing the hours for SR&ED next year will be easy.

Train your project managers to look for SR&ED tasks.  Inevitably, if a developer has a task that expands for a technical reason then he will have to notify the project manager about the event.  That will be the best time for the project manager to recognize SR&ED tasks and update the project management system.


All companies should make sure to have SR&ED trained people help you to make your claim.   The number of companies making SR&ED claims has increased strongly in the last few years and the CRA is more strict with regards to which projects qualify.
Do not be afraid to claim your SR&ED tax credits, if you have technical challenges that involve experimental development then they are yours.  Also, keep in mind that the earlier that you document your technical challenges the easier (and cheaper) it will be to make your SR&ED claim.

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