Infeasible Projects: Executive Ignorance or IT Impotence?

IDohDoh2nfeasible software projects are launched all the time and teams are continually caught up in them, but what is the real source of the problem?

There are 2 year actual projects for which the executives set a 6 month deadline.  The project is guaranteed to fail but isthis due to executive ignorance or IT impotence?

InfeasibleTimelineThere is no schedule risk in an infeasible project because the deadline will be missed.  Schedule risk only exists in the presence of uncertainty (see Schedule Risk is a Red Herring!!!)

As you might expect, all executives and IT manager share responsibility for infeasible projects that turn into death marches.  Learn about the nasty side effects Death March Calculus.

The primary causes for infeasible projects are:

  • Rejection of formal estimates
  • No estimation or improper estimation methods are used

Rejecting Formal Estimates


This situation occurs frequently; an example would be the Denver Baggage Handling System (see Case Study).

The project was automatically estimated (correctly) to take 2 years; however, executives declared that IT would only have 1 year to deliver.

Of course, they failed1.

The deadline was rejected by executives because it did not fit their desires.  They could not have enjoyed the subsequent software disaster and bad press.

When executives ignore formal estimates they get what they deserve.  Formal estimates are ignored because executives believe through sheer force of will that they can set deadlines.

If IT managed to get the organization to pay for formal tools for estimating then it is not their problem that the executives refuse to go along with it.

Improper Estimation Methods

The next situation that occurs frequently is using estimation processes that have low validity.  Estimation has been extensively studied and documented by Tom DeMarco, Capers Jones, Ed Yourdon, and others.

IceBergImproper estimation methods will underestimate a software project every time. Fast estimates will be based on what you can think of, unfortunately, software is not tangible and so what you are aware of is like the tip of an iceberg.

None of this prevents executives demanding fast estimates from development.  Even worse, development managers will cave in to ridiculous demands and actually give fast estimates.

Poor estimates are guaranteed to lead to infeasible projects (see Who needs Formal Measurement?)

Poor estimates are delivered by IT managers that:

  • Can’t convince executives to use formal tools
  • Give in to extreme pressure for fast estimates

Infeasible projects that result from poor estimates are a matter of IT impotence.


ChildWithIceCreamBoth executive ignorance and IT impotence lead to infeasible projects on a regular basis because of poor estimates and rejecting estimates; so there is no surprise here.

However, infeasible projects are a failure of executives and IT equally because we are all on the same team.  It is not possible for part of the organization to succeed if the other one fails.

IntestinalFortitudePossibly a greater share of problem is with IT management.  After all, whose responsibility is a bad decision — the guys that know what the issues are or the ones that don’t.

If a child wants ice cream before they eat dinner then whose fault is it if you cave in and give them the ice cream?

Unfortunately, even after 60 years of developing software projects, IT managers are either as ignorant as the executives or simply have no intestinal fortitude.

Even when IT managers convince executives of the importance of estimating tools, the estimates are routinely discarded because they do not meet executive expectations.

Rejection of automated estimates: productivity -16%, quality -22%

Until we can get a generation of IT managers that are prepared to educate executives on the necessity of proper estimation and be stubborn about holding to those estimates, we are likely to continue to have an estimated $3 trillion in failures of software projects every year.

End Notes

1For inquiring minds, good automated estimation systems have been shown to be within 5% of time and cost on a regular basis. Contact me for additional information.


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Project failed? You get what you deserve!

3 of 10 software projects fail, 3 succeed, and 4 are ‘challenged’1.  When projects fail because you cut corners and exceed your capabilities then — you get what you deserve.  You don’t deserve pity when you do it to yourself.

We estimate that between $3 trillion and $6 trillion dollars are wasted every year in IT.  Most of this is wasted by organizations that are unskilled and unaware that they are ignorant.

Warning this article is long!

However, there are organizations that succeed regularly because they understand development, implement best practices, and avoid worst practices (see Understanding Your Chances).

In fact, McKinsey and Company in 2012 stated:

A study of 5,400 large scale IT projects  finds that the well known problems with IT Project Management are persisting. Among the key findings quoted from the report:

    • 17 percent of large IT projects go so badly that they can threaten the very existence of the company
    • On average, large IT projects run 45 percent over budget and 7 percent over time, while delivering 56 percent less value than predicted

law-unintended-consequencesProjects fail consistently because organizations choose bad practices and avoid best practices and wonder why success is elusive (see Stop It! No… really stop it. to understand the common worst 5 practices)

What is amazing is that failures do not prompt the incompetent to learn why they failed.

RinseAndRepeatEven worse, after the post-fail finger pointing ceremony, people just dust themselves off and rinse and repeat.

The reality is that we have 60 years of experience in building software systems.  Pioneers like Watts Humprey, M.. E. Fagan, Capers Jones, Tom DeMarco, Ed Yourdon, and institutions like the Software Engineering Institute (SEI)  have demonstrated that software complexity can be tamed and that projects can be successful2.

The worst developers are not even aware that there is clear evidence about what works or what doesn’t in software projects.  Of course, let’s not let the evidence get in the way of their opinions.

IngredientsIngredients of a Successful Project

Successful software projects generally have all the following characteristics:

  • Proper business case justification and good capital budgeting
  • Very good core requirements for primary functionality
  • Effective sizing techniques used before executing the project
  • Appropriate project management to the size of the project and to the philosophy of the organization
  • Properly trained personnel
  • Focus on pre-test defect removal

MissingPiecesEvery missing characteristic reduces your chance of success by an order of magnitude.  If you know that one or more of these characteristics are missing then you get what you deserve!

Missing some of these elements doesn’t guarantee failure, but it severely decreases your chance at success.

Let’s go through these elements in order.

This article is very long, so this is a good place to bail if you don’t have time.

Proper Business Case

IfYouBuildItThis is the step that many failed projects skip over, the hard work behind determining if a project is viable or not.

Organizations take the Field of Dreams approach, i.e. “If you build it, they will come...” and skip this step due to ignorance, often resulting from executives who do not understand software (see No Business Case == Project Failure). These are executives that do not have experience with software projects and assume that their force of personality can will software projects to success.

Some organizations claim to build business cases, but these documents are worthless.  I even know of public companies that write the business case AFTER the project has started, simply to satisfy Sarbanes-Oxley requirements.

A proper business case attempts to quantify the requirements and technical uncertainty of a software project.  It does due diligence into what problem is being solved and who it is solving the problem for.  It at least verifies with a little effort that the cash flows resulting from the project will be NPV positive.

Business cases are generally difficult to write because they involve getting partial information.  This can be very difficult if your analysts are substandard (see When BA means B∪ll$#!t Artist).

Very Good Core Requirements

Skeleton Once a project has a proper business case then you need to capture the skeleton of the core requirements.  This is a phase where you determine the primary actors of the system and work out major use case names.

Why expand requirements before starting the project?

Executives have a business to run and need to know when software will be available.  If you don’t know how big your project is then you can’t create an effective project plan.  You don’t want to capture all the requirements so core requirements (i.e. a good skeleton) helps you to size the project without having to get the detailed requirements.

This is why executives like the waterfall methodology. On the surface, this methodology seems to have a predictable timeline — which is what they need to synchronize other parts of the business.  The problem is that the waterfall methodology DOES NOT WORK (see last page).

The only way for managers to get a viable estimate of a software project is to expand the business case into requirements that allow you to determine the project’s size before you start it.

Calculate House SizeThis process is just like determining the cost for a house by the square footage and the quality, i.e. 2500 sq. ft at normal quality (~$200 per sq. ft.) would be approximately $500K, even without detailed blueprints.  Very accurate estimates can be derived by sizing a project using function points.

Effective Estimation

RulersNow that you have core requirements, you can determine the size of the project and get an approximate cost.  You are fooling yourself if you think that you can size large projects without formal estimates (see Who needs formal measurement?)

Just like you can determine the approximate cost of a house if you know the square footage and the quality, you can estimate a software project pretty accurately if you know how many function points (i.e. square footage) and quality requirements of the project3.

There is so much literature available on how to effectively size projects, so do yourself a favor and look it up.  N.B. There are quite a few reliable tools for an accurate estimate of software projects, i.e. COCOMO II, SLIM, SEER-SEM.  See also Namcook Analytics,

If you don’t size a project then your project plan predicts nothing

Of course, you could always try a management declared deadline which is guaranteed to fail (see Why Senior Management Declared Deadlines lead to Disaster)

Appropriate Project Management

AgileManifestoYou must select a project methodology appropriate to the organization.  Many developers are trying to push their organizations towards Agile software development, although many developers are actually quite clueless about what Agile development is.

Agile software development needs buy-in from the top of the organization.  Agile software development will probably do very little for you if you are not doing business cases and gathering core requirements before a project.

Discover how developers who claim that they are ‘Agile’ have fooled themselves into thinking that they are doing Agile development. (see Does Agile hide Development Sins?)

Trained Personnel

IncompetenceManagement often confuses seniority with competence.  After all, if someone has been with the company for 10 years they must be competent, no?  The reality is that most people with 10 years of experience only have 1 year repeated 10 times.  They are no more skilled then someone with 1 year under their belt.

Learn why in general it may be useful to get rid of older developers that are not productive (see No Experience Required!).  Also when it comes to development, you are definitely better off with people that do not rush to write code (see Productive Developers are Smart and Lazy)

Focus on Pre-Test Defect Removal

I’ve written extensively on pre-test defect removal, see Are Debuggers Crutches? for more information.


It is likely that you know all these ingredients that make for a successful project, you’ve just assumed that even though all these characteristics are not present that you just can’t fail.

Quite often projects fail under the leadership of confident people who are incompetent and don’t even know that they are incompetent.  If you want to know why intelligent people often do unintelligent things see Are You are Surrounded by Idiots?  Unfortunately, You Might be the Idiot..

There probably are projects that fail out there because of circumstances out of their control (i.e. natural disasters, etc) but in most failed projects you get what you deserve!


Fallacy of the Waterfall Methodology

The waterfall methodology is widely attributed to Winston W. Royce.

The irony is that the paper he published actually concludes that:

In my experience, however, the simpler method (i.e. waterfall) has never worked on large software development and efforts and the costs to recover far exceeded those required to finance the five step process listed.

That is Mr. Royce said that the waterfall process would never work.  So much for the geniuses that only read the first 2 pages of the paper and then proceeded to create the “waterfall method” and cost organizations trillions of dollars in failed projects each year.

The waterfall methodology was pushed down our throats by ignorant managers that saw that the waterfall seemed to mimic factory processes.  Because this was the process they understood, they icorrectly assumed that this was the right way to develop software.

If any of these guys had bothered to read more than 2 pages from the Royce paper they would have realized that they were making a colossal blunder.

Back to article

1 Challenged means that the project goes significantly over time or budget. In my estimation, ‘challenged’ simply means politically declaring victory on a project that has really failed.

2 This applies to projects that are 10,000 function points or less. We still have problems with projects that are larger than this, but the vast majority of projects are under this threshold.

3 Quality requirements depend on how reliable the project must be. If the risk is that someone might die because of a software malfunction the quality, and therefore cost, must be much higher than if software failures only constitute an annoyance.

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Uncertainty trumps Risk in Software Development

Successful software development involves understanding uncertainty, and uncertainty only comes from a few sources in a software project.  The uncertainties of a software project increase with the size of the project and the inexperience of the team with the domain and technologies.The focus on this article is on uncertainty and not on risk.  In part 1 we discussed uncertainty and in part 2 we discussed risk, so it should be clear that:

All risks are uncertain, however, not all uncertainties are risks.

For example, scope creep is not a risk (see Shift Happens) because it is certain to happen in any non-trivial project.  Since risk is uncertain, a risk related to scope creep might be that the scope shifts so much that the project is canceled.  However, this is a useless risk to track because by the time it has triggered it is much too late for anything proactive to be done.

It is important to understand the uncertainties behind any software development and then to extract the relevant risks to monitor.  The key uncertainties of a software project are around:

  • requirements
  • technology
  • resources
  • estimating the project deadline

Uncertainty in Requirements
There are several methodologies for capturing requirements:

  • Business requirements document (BRD) or software requirement specification (SRS)
  • Contract-style requirement lists
  • Use cases (tutorial)
  • User stories

Regardless of the methodology used, your initial requirements will split up into several categories:

The blue area above represents what the final requirements will be once your project is completed, i.e. the System To Build.  The initial requirements that you capture are in the yellow area called Initial Requirements.

With a perfect requirements process the Initial Requirements area would be the same as the System To Build area.  When they don’t overlap we get the following requirement categories:

  1.  Superfluous requirements
  2. Missing requirements

Superfluous initial requirements tends to happen in very large projects or projects where the initial requirements process is incomplete.  Due to scope shift the Missing requirements category always has something in it (see Shift Happens).  If either of these two categories contains a requirement that affects your core architecture negatively then you will increase your chance of failure by at least one order of magnitude.

For example, a superfluous requirement that causes the architecture to be too flexible will put the developers through a high learning curve and lead to slow development.

If scalability is a requirement of the architecture but it is missing during the initial architecture then you will discover that it is difficult and costly to add later.

The physical equivalent would be the apartment building here on the right.  The foundation was insufficient to the needs of the building and it is slowly collapsing on one side.  Imagine the cost of trying to fix the foundation now that the building is complete.

I’ve been in start-ups that did not plan for sufficient scalability in the initial architecture; subsequently, the necessary scalability was only added with serious development effort and a large cost in hardware. Believe me, throwing expensive hardware at a software problem late in the life cycle is not fun or a practical solution :-(.

The overlapping box, Inconsistent Requirements, is to categorize known and missing requirements that turn out to be in conflict with other requirements.  This can happen when requirements are gathered from multiple user roles all of whom have a different view of what the system will deliver.

It is much easier and faster to test your requirements and discover inconsistencies before you start developing the code rather than discover the inconsistencies in the middle of development.  When inconsistencies are discovered by developers and QA personnel then your project will descend into fire-fighting (see Root cause of ‘Fire-fighting’ in Software Projects).

The physical equivalent here is to have a balcony specified to one set of contractors but forget to notify another set that you need a sliding door (see right).  When the construction people stumble on the inconsistency you may have already started planning for one alternative only to discover that rework is necessary to get to the other requirement.

Note, if you consistently develop software releases and projects with less than 90% of your requirements documented before coding starts then you get what you deserve (N.B. I did not say before the project starts 🙂 ).   One of the biggest reasons that Agile software development stalls or fails is that the requirements in the backlog are not properly documented; if you Google “poor agile backlogs” you will get > 20M hits.

Requirements Risks
Some risks associated with requirements are:

  • Risk of a missing requirement that affects the core architecture
  • Risk that inconsistent requirements cause the critical path to slip

Uncertainty in Technology
Technical uncertainty comes  from correctly using technology but failing to accomplish the goals as outlined by your requirements; lack of knowledge and/or skills will be handled in the next section (Uncertainty Concerning Resources).  Team resources that don’t have experience with technology (poorly documented API, language, IDE, etc) does not constitute a technical risk it is a resource risk (i.e. lack of knowledge).

Technical uncertainty comes from only a few sources:

  • Defective APIs
  • Inability to develop algorithms

Unforeseen defects in APIs will impact one or more requirements and delay development.  If there is an alternative API with the same characteristics then there may be little or no delay in changing APIs, i.e. there are multiple choices for XML parsing in Java with the same API.

However, much of the time changing to another API will cause delays because the new API will be implemented differently than the defective one. There are also no guarantees that the new API will be bug free.

Mature organizations use production APIs, but even then this does not protect you against defects.  The best known example has to be the Pentium bug from Intel discovered in 1994.  Although the bug did not seem to cause any real damage, any time you have an intermittent problem the source might always be a subtle defect in one of the APIs that you are using.

Organizations that use non-production (alpha or beta) APIs for development run an extremely high risk of finding a defect in an API.  This generally only happens in poorly funded start-ups where the technical team might have excessive decisional control in the choice of technologies.

The other source of technical uncertainty is the teams inability to develop algorithms to accomplish the software goals.  These algorithms relate to the limitations of system resources such as CPU, memory, batteries, or bandwidth concern, i.e.:

  • Performance
  • Memory management
  • Power management
  • Volume of data concerns

Every technical uncertainty is associated with one or more requirements.  The inability to produce an algorithm to satisfy a requirement may have a work-around with acceptable behavior or might be infeasible.

If the infeasible requirements prevents a core goal from being accomplished then the project will get canceled.  If affected requirements have technical work-arounds then the project will be delayed while the work-around is being developed.

Technical Risks
Some risks associated with technology are:

  • Risk that a defective API will cause us to look for another API
  • Risk that we will be unable to find a feasible solution for a core project requirement

Uncertainty Concerning Resources
When using the same team to produce the next version of a software product there is little to no resource uncertainty.  Resource uncertainty exists if one of the following are present:

  • Any team member is unfamiliar with the technology you are using
  • Any member of the team is unfamiliar with the subject domain
  • You need to develop new algorithms to handle a technical issue (see previous section)
  • Any team member is not committed to the project because they maintain another system
  • Turnover robs you of a key individual

Resource uncertainty revolves around knowledge and skills, commonly this includes: 1) language, 2) APIs, 3) interactive development environments (IDEs), and 4) methodology (Agile, RUP, Spiral, etc).  If your team is less knowledgeable than required then you will underestimate some if not all tasks in the project plan.

When team members are unfamiliar with the subject domain then any misunderstandings that they have will cause delays in the project.  In particular, if the domain is new and the requirements are not well documented then you will probably end up with the wrong architecture, even if you have skilled architects.

The degree to which you end up with a bad architecture and a canceled project depends on how unfamiliar you are with the subject domain and technologies being used.  In addition, the size of your project will magnify all resource uncertainties above.

The majority of stand-alone applications are between 1,000 and 10,000 function points.  As you would expect, the amount of the system that any one person can understand drops significantly between 1,000 and 10,000 function points.  The number of canceled projects goes up as our understanding drops because all uncertainties increase and issues fall between the cracks.  N.B. The total % of the system understood by a single person drops precipitously between 1,000 and 10,000 function points.

When there are team members committed to maintaining legacy systems then their productivity will be uncertain.  Unless your legacy system behaves in a completely predictable fashion, those resources will be pulled away to solve problems on an unpredictable basis.  They will not be able to commit to the team and multi-tasking will lower their and the teams productivity (see Multi-tasking Leads to Lower Productivity).

Resource Risks
Some risks associated with resources are:

  • The team is unable to build an appropriate architecture foundation for the project
  • A key resource leaves the project before the core architecture is complete

Uncertainty in Estimation
When project end dates are estimated formally you will have 3 dates: 1) earliest finish, 2) expected finish, and 3) latest finish.  This makes sense because each task in the project plan can finish in a range of time, i.e. earliest finish to latest finish.  When a project only talks about a single date for the end date, it is almost always the earliest possible finish so there is a 99.9% chance that you will miss it.  Risk in estimation makes the most sense if:

  • Formal methods are used to estimate the project
  • Senior staff accepts the estimate

There are numerous cost estimating tools that can do a capable job.  Capers Jones lists those methods, but also comments about how many companies don’t use formal estimates and those that do don’t trust them:

Although cost estimating is difficult there are a number of commercial software cost estimating tools that do a capable job:  COCOMO II, KnowledgePlan, True Price, SEER, SLIM, SoftCost, CostXpert, and Software Risk
Master are examples.

However just because an accurate estimate can be produced using a commercial estimating tool that does not mean that clients or executives will accept it.  In fact from information presented during litigation, about half of the cases did not produce accurate estimates at all and did not use estimating tools.  Manual estimates tend towards optimism or predicting shorter schedules and lower costs than actually occur.   

Somewhat surprisingly, the other half of the case had accurate estimates, but they were rejected and replaced by forced estimates based on business needs rather than team abilities. 

Essentially, senior staff have a tendency to ignore formal estimates and declare the project end date.  When this happens the project is usually doomed to end in disaster (see Why Senior Management Declared Deadlines lead to Disaster).

So estimation is guaranteed to be uncertain.  Let’s combine the requirements categories from before with the categories of technical uncertainty to see where our uncertainty is coming from.  Knowing the different categories of requirements uncertainty gives us strategies to minimize or eliminate that uncertainty.
Starting with the Initial Requirements, we can see that there are two categories of uncertainty that can addressed before a project even starts:
  1. Superfluous initial requirements
  2. Inconsistent requirements

Both of these requirements will waste time if they get into the development process where they will cause a great deal of confusion inside the team.  At best these requirements will cause the team to waste time, at worst these requirements will deceive the team into building the architecture incorrectly.  A quality assurance process on your initial requirements can ensure that both of these categories are empty.

The next categories of uncertainty that can be addressed before the project starts is:

  1. Requirements with Technical Risk
  2. Requirements Technically Infeasible

Technical uncertainty is usually relatively straight forward to find when a project starts.  It will generally involve non-functional requirements such as scalability, availability, extendability, compatibility, portability, maintainability, reliability, etc, etc.  Other technical uncertainties will be concerned with:

  1. algorithms to deal with limited resources, i.e. memory, CPU, battery power
  2. volume of data concerns, i.e. large files or network bandwidth
  3. strong security models
  4. improving compression algorithms

Any use cases that are called frequently and any reports tie up your major tables are sources of technical uncertainty.  If there will be significant technical uncertainty in your project then you are better off to split these technical uncertainties into a smaller project that the architects will handle before starting the main project.  This way if there are too many technically infeasible issues then at least you can cancel the project.

However, the greatest source of uncertainty comes from the Missing Requirements section.  The larger the number of missing requirements the greater the risk that the project gets canceled.  If we look at the graph we presented above:

You can see that the chance of a project being canceled is highly correlated with the % of scope creep. Companies that routinely start projects with a fraction of the requirements identified are virtually guaranteed to have a canceled project.

In addition, even if you use formal methods for estimation, your project end date will not take into account the Missing Requirements.  If you have a significant number of missing requirements then your estimates will be way off.

Estimation Risks

The most talked about estimation risk is schedule risk.  Since most companies don’t use formal methods, and those that do are often ignored, it makes very little sense to talk of schedule risk.

When people say “schedule risk”, they are making a statement that the project will miss the deadline.  But given that improper estimation is used in most projects it is certain that the project will miss its deadline , the only useful question is “by how much?“.

Schedule risk can only exist when formal methods are used and there is an earliest finish/latest finish range for the project.  Schedule risk then applies to any task that takes longer than its latest finish and compromises the critical path of the project.  The project manager needs to try to crash current and future tasks to see if he can get the project back on track.  If you don’t use formal methods then this paragraph probably makes no sense 🙂


The main sources of uncertainty in software development comes from:

  • requirements
  • technology
  • resources
  • estimates

Successful software projects look for areas of uncertainty and minimize them before the project starts. Some uncertainties can be qualified as risks and should be managed aggressively by the project manager during the project.

Uncertainty in requirements, technology, and resources will cause delays in your project.  If you are using formal methods than you need to pay attention to delays caused by uncertainties not accounted for in your model.  If you don’t use formal methods then every time you hit a delay caused by an uncertainty, then that delay needs to be tacked on to the project end-date (of course, it won’t be 🙂 ).

If your project does not have strong architectural requirements and is not too big (i.e. < 1,000 function points) then you should be able to use Agile software development to set-up a process that grapples with uncertainty in an incremental fashion.  Smaller projects with strong architectural requirements should set up a traditional project to settle the technical uncertainties before launching into Agile development.

Projects that use more traditional methodologies need to add a quality assurance process to their requirements to ensure a level of completeness and consistency before starting development.  One way of doing this is to put requirements gathering into its own project.  Once you capture the requirements, if you establish that you have strong architectural concerns, then you can create a project to build out the technical architecture of the project.  Finally you would do the project itself.  By breaking projects into 2 or 3 stages this gives you the ability to cancel the project before too much effort is sunk into a project with too much uncertainty.

Regardless of your project methodology; being aware of the completeness of your requirements as well as the technical uncertainty of your non-functional requirements will help you reduce the chance of project cancellation by at least one order of magnitude.

It is much more important to understand uncertainty that it is to understand risk in software development.

Appendix: Traditional Software Risks
This list of software risks courtesy of Capers Jones.  Risks listed in descending order of importance.

  • Risk of missing toxic requirements that should be avoided
  • Risk of inadequate progress tracking
  • Risk of development tasks interfering with maintenance
  • Risk of maintenance tasks interfering with development
  • Risk that designs are not kept updated after release
  • Risk of unstable user requirements
  • Risk that requirements are not kept updated after release
  • Risk of clients forcing arbitrary schedules on team
  • Risk of omitting formal architecture for large systems
  • Risk of inadequate change control
  • Risk of executives forcing arbitrary schedules on team
  • Risk of not using a project office for large applications
  • Risk of missing requirements from legacy applications
  • Risk of slow application response times
  • Risk of inadequate maintenance tools and workbenches
  • Risk of application performance problems
  • Risk of poor support by open-source providers
  • Risk of reusing code without test cases or related materials
  • Risk of excessive feature “bloat”
  • Risk of inadequate development tools
  • Risk of poor help screens and poor user manuals
  • Risk of slow customer support
  • Risk of inadequate functionality
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